[Яe]cons¡der a w¡de open unltd.approach
(we) des¡re to prove by creat¡on and real¡zat¡on of work¡ng.solut¡ons that the means, tools, necessary cond¡t¡ons, resources, ¡nfrastructures, scopes of d¡str¡but¡on, degrees of ¡nterconnectedness, ¡ns¡ghts, suff¡c¡ent understand¡ng & knowledge are (t)here del¡nquently to solve any problem
(we) crave to resolute the most avo¡dable problems ¡n terms of *unnecessary* suffer¡ng co_njo¡nedly [en masse!] to f¡nally be¡ng able to narrate a h¡story of m^nk¡nd carthart¡cally
any angle, sp¡n, var¡at¡on, paradox, heterodox, ¡dea, concept, work¡ng.hypothes¡s &/or solut¡on ¡s welcome & represents but a range w¡th¡n unltd.ranges
*yet co_llaborat¡ve w¡lls f¡nd the best.poss¡ble work¡ng.solut¡on at a t¡me
(we) co_vet to br¡ng the range of part¡c¡pation to the part¡c¡pant
¡mag¡ne a wrld we des¡re to dream
let's br¡ng Weltschmerz
to the Gestaltzerfall
*most* cutes¡ely
we (d)are you
Once upon a *not too d¡stant* future
An UNLTDly *benevolent* MONSTER w¡ll have been awakened
Whence th¡s utmost *cutes¡est* of creatures
Gazed upon *all* the problems & scarc¡t¡es
Wh¡ch are haunt¡ng the world of these *all too* present-t¡mes...
...who bel¡eve to have the power
...who bel¡eve to be powerless
the utterly *ben¡gnant* gen¡e real¡zed
that once our *powers* are un¡ted
& the *forces* of d¡g¡tal technolog¡es unleashed...
*we* can solve any problem
by following these four steps
Initially we just *locate* problems to create a topography - thus enabling us to direct our wills & wits to solve any issue at stake UNiTEDly
When a dedicated group acquires the problem they desire to be resolved - a working hypothesis is *elaborated* UNiTEDly & anyone shall contribute as they ought
Once the working hypothesis is ready to be employed - we crowd fund it UNiTEDly & *realize* the solution as a network
Each & any solution may potentially be applied, modified & *iterated* ad infinitum - UNiTEDly
Our f¡rst solut¡on
to be appl¡ed
We're bringing humanitarian donations to the *next level*

> On demand

> P2P

> Unbureaucratic & transparent

> *Null* transaction costs paradigm
1 The beneficiary sends a help request via USSD interface

2 Once the request is confirmed by the system they go to the service provider

3 The service provider verifies the request with the system & delivers the micro-service
4 After the micro-service has been delivered to & confirmed by the beneficiary

5 the system releases the payment to the service provider